Open The Doors To Creativity With Play-Doh!


Playdough, of course, will pique the children's imaginations when they are bored. Kids love this traditional dough for a variety of reasons. Play pretend while creating, constructing, and moulding with it. You're undoubtedly already familiar with these concepts, but did you also know that you can create fossils, understand colour theory, set up games, and construct erupting dough? These creative suggestions and others raise the bar for play dough! 

Although the clay frequently dries out on your kitchen table, the advantages of this straightforward play far outweigh the drawbacks. What are the advantages of using play dough for your children, besides the endless hours of entertainment? 

1. It improves fine motor abilities: Your children are strengthening their little hands as they form play dough into various shapes. The activities of squishing, rolling, flattening, and more aid in the development of the hand muscles needed for future fine motor tasks like holding a pencil or using scissors. 

2. For kids, it's calming: Play dough can be squeezed to help calm your kids down, much like the squishy stress ball you occasionally pull out. Playing with clay can be a relaxing way to let off steam, enhance attention, and express feelings. Sit your stressed-out child down with some play dough, and watch as their problems disappear. 

3. It promotes imagination: Your kids can create an infinite amount of things with play dough, regardless of how many colours you have. Your children will be inspired to use their imaginations and think creatively when they make things from scratch. 

4. The hand-eye coordination is improved: You probably also picked out other items and utensils, such as rolling pins and cookie cutters, in addition to the play dough. These tools, which come in different sizes, encourage your child to manipulate the materials to suit their ideas, which helps them improve their hand-eye coordination. 

5. It enhances social abilities: Playing with play dough gives your child excellent experience in social situations when they collaborate with other children or even adults. Your kids' social skills will improve greatly as a result of sharing different hues, materials, and tools as well as spending lots of time talking and working together. To encourage them to step outside of their comfort zone and interact with others, ask your kids to explain their thought processes as they play. 

6. It promotes reading and maths skills: Kids can be tough to engage in learning, especially when it comes to challenging subjects like arithmetic or reading. Play dough is a fantastic teaching tool for your kids to learn about numbers, shapes, descriptions, and other concepts. 

7. It encourages play: Kids are continually drawn to the latest technologies in today's environment. Give your kids play dough and promote time spent outdoors instead of letting them watch TV all day. Play dough encourages children to slow down, concentrate on having fun, and use a variety of senses and abilities. 

8. Science and maths: Children may learn about measuring, combining, experimenting, making predictions, and watching this gooey mixture turn into playdough by making it with you. Children can have unique experiences when colours are added or mixed to produce new colours.

You can discuss the process like what would happen if we added more flour. teach new vocabulary like words to describe texture like "grainy," "smooth," and "lumpy" and introduce new terminology. Children are learning about cause and effect while moulding play dough. By conversing with your child throughout this process, you can enhance these experiences. Allow exploration and ask open-ended inquiries. 

9. Improves concentration: Playdough is one of the best tools for improving attention span. Playdough is a calm pastime that necessitates a child's prolonged stillness. This is wonderful for lengthening a child’s focus span over time. They will use more effort to maintain concentration the more invested they are in the product. Persistent children will focus until their creation is exactly how they want it to be, making adjustments until it is perfect. 

These are some ways play doh opens the door to creativity for your young ones! If you are looking for some kid’s toys online, why not check out FunCorp? It is one of the largest selling online toy stores with a variety of toys like nerf guns, board games, action figures and much more. Visit their website at to check out their collection! 
