Can Kids Toys Help In Cognitive Development?

A crucial aspect of childhood is toys. Children use play to learn about themselves and the world around them during their early years. They come in many sizes and shapes, but they each offer a game that allows a kid to use their imagination while also honing their gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and/or sensory skills.

There are many toys available for parents and other caretakers to pick from, so how can they know which one is the best? How do toys aid in the development of cognition? It turns out that the way a child interacts with a toy might reveal important information about the growth of their cognitive abilities. Learn more about how toys aid children's development by reading this interesting article. In this article, we are going to take you through how kids' toys can help in cognitive development. Following are some ways:  

1. They spark creativity and imagination: Artwork isn't the only aspect of creativity. By giving kids a variety of tools to use or props to play with, toys can encourage children's imagination and creativity. This provides kids with the chance to unleash their imaginations and begin developing the critical abilities for creative thinking that will serve them well in the future.

Since they may be used in a variety of ways and play can be tailored to your child's imagination, open-ended toys are excellent for developing imagination. Some examples of these types of toys are storytelling toys from Funskool that allow the children to create imaginative storylines, imagine scenes and put the pieces together. 

2. Help in improving language: Additionally, toys can aid in children's language development. For instance, pretend play, in which kids use toys to play out various roles, has been demonstrated to help kids utilise words and describe things better.

When children act out a scene, they are frequently asked to describe what is occurring or to explain why their doll feels a specific way. These questions force kids to consider the tools they are using critically as well as the feelings that their characters are going through. The Skillmatics Train of Thought Card Game is a really good example of a toy that helps in developing language! 

3. Builds social and emotional intelligence: Similar to this, when kids play with toys that require character development, they practise their social and emotional intelligence by acting out these intricate situations and interactions.

Youngsters will often make their initial attempts at social connection and learning about character and personality distinctions at this age. Barbie dolls are created to reflect the world that children experience today, and their eye-catching attire makes them stand out with vibrant personalities. 

4. Boosts problem-solving skills: Many toys help kids develop their problem-solving abilities since they demand that a problem be solved, especially puzzle toys! Toys are essential to children's development, whether your child is playing by themselves and discovering new ways to solve difficulties in play or learning how to collaborate with a friend to solve challenges. Puzzle toys help kids develop their problem-solving abilities by letting them solve puzzles and think about the wider picture. 

5. Teaches kids about STEAM: Children's brains are like sponges. They constantly input data from their environment. Children can explore science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics through toys. No matter how simple or sophisticated a toy is, it has a lesson to impart to your child and emphasises the value of playtime.

Your youngster will learn about physics when they construct a skyscraper out of blocks and then watch it gradually crumble to the ground.

Kids become intrigued about how everything works after seeing a remote-control car bounce about only using the radio waves of the controller. Your child's brain is stimulated by a puzzle, which also encourages pattern exploration. 

At Funcorp, we think the ideal toy strikes the ideal mix between learning and play. We provide cutting-edge and educational toys to support your child's cognitive development in a variety of ways because of this. All of our toys are made to develop children's physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities while still being enjoyable. Visit our website at to check out our kid’s toy collection! 

